Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Slideshows of Abu Dhabi and Oman travels in April 2016

This is my first attempt to post my slideshows on You Tube and then to this blog.  It has taken a lot of trial and error but I think I have got it to work.  Watch them in fullscreen (little square with arrows) as the images are too small as set out here.

Abu Dhabi  was only a  night and day stopover mainly to see the huge mosque and carpet. There were three of us on our way to Sicily - Ann, Robyn and me.

Oman was a five day trip on the way home from Sicily where Ann and I spent nearly three weeks doing art and sightseeing.  We met an American woman at our first hotel and shared a rental car with her to see some of the country, especially the sand dunes which were stunning.


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