Sunday, 2 August 2009

Learning to Paint Landscapes with Acrylics

This semester I have joined Wednesday morning classes with Michael Winters, a well known Canberra artist and printmaker. We have been working on tonal studies with a limited palette and trying to blend the edges of shapes and lines in a similar way to the early Australian painters from the Tonalist Movement 1915-1950. Two significant painters were Max Meldrum and Clarice Beckett. A recent exhibition I saw is called "Misty Moderns".Tonal study of landscape At first only burnt umber and white could be used, then Ultramarine Blue was added to the palette. Photos used for paintings were reduced to black and white to emphasise the tones since colour is so dominant to the eye.

Tonal study - my garden path
My front garden path and the statue by my pond featured in many of these paintings.

Tonal study - my pond statue

Yellow was then added to the palette extending the range of colours as well as tones.
Tonal study - my front garden path

Finally Cadmium Red was added to the palette. Black was never used as it flattens colours.

Tonal study - my front garden path

This was an experimental picture using a highly textured background.
Click on the picture to see more details of the method.
Experimental surface & tree


Sonya said...

Michael is a good teacher. Enjoyed his class at the art school years ago and met up at a workshop last year in Gympie.

Bron King said...

Ruth your blog looks sensational!!
I love dropping in seeing how your work with Michael's going.

Robert Michael Crow said...

Good work:-)fascinating!!!