Monday, 9 November 2015

Landscape extreme art

Michael Winter's class on "Landscape Extremes" ranged from Monet with a focus on light and colour to the work of Godfrey Miller, who was at the beginning of abstract art in Australia in the mid 20th century.  He used a ruler and geometric forms.  Some of his paintings took years to do, and even my attempt to use a very simplistic version of his style took a long time!

The first image here is a drawing I made with coloured pencils of a range in the Grampians Mountains in Western Victoria.

Painting in Acrylic

The second image is painted in acrylic on a canvas board.  It is from a photo of mine of large rocks in Namibia.  I enjoyed doing this more than I anticipated but doubt I'll try any more as it is so slow.

Painting in Acrylic